Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The Tour

Lucky you! Because you are 1 of the very few people that get a personolized tour of my home but for now it's JUST the upstairs. Like I know you'd think of the downstairs first. Though my parents were like talking so it'd be like, "Sandra what the heck are you doing? Now go away!" And then SO much time would be lost like really! So um I hope you enjoy it. And oh if you like this video then wait a few days or maybe even tomorrrow the next part will be out. FYI: the downstarirs oh including the basement too. It's the feature presentation too! Sorry had to do that! Well I also have other videos too which I will post probably other days. So then there is suspense of oh my gosh, what is her next video going to be like? Well you know my next one right now. And then one of my other ones is me bored so yeah there is some information about those ones but no more! Okay well it's not uplosding so I'll try on the actual blog instead!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Read carefully and think

You guys wanted to know if what I was going to put here was good or bad. Well Maybe you'll find out as you read on. As you all know I'm not the nicest person on earth. In fact I'm sometimes not all that nice at all. I really feel ashamed and I really feel bad, I really feel sorry, I really feel unforgivable. I always though I was being nice but people just didn't understand, or that they just didn't like me. But the truth is I was the one that I didn't like. I didn't like myself, it's the truth. Though you need to find that out on your own sometime around. I learned it the painful way. Because the truth is you guys, yes you as wierd as it may seem were the nicest friends I have ever had. You guys weren't all the time so pushy and really super nice, and that's good because I'd never learn that way. And well also even though there may be a hole or some memory that well, I was mean. I really just wish it could be forgotton, though that's not possible. And also guys when I try and act nice you kind ignore me I try and fit in and tag along but it's not like it used to be. Like we were all talking. Now it's that You talk and I listen, I don't say anything because I'm scared that I might make a fool of myself or you'll laugh at me or ignore me, and so I feel uneeded unimportant. Every single year I though I had the best friend ever but in the end. At then end of the school year they got fed up with me and they left I was all alone durring the summer, crying and sad, moping and weeping. Asking myself what did I do? To me it seemed nothing, to me it seemed like they either hated me or just were plain mean. Though I was mean. And well I feel left out at home, no one listens to me, no one cares if I fall or get hurt, no one cares about my oppinion, no one cares what I do, no one cares about me untill I cry or get mad or do something bad! That is when they finally notice me. I get punsihed for their faults, I cry and sob because of their faults, but what I'm unsure of if they are my faults too... and you guys, you helped me clear that up sometimes and you guys are my friends, the only thing I hope for is now that you have the same perspective. Go to the first post I made if you would like to comment me back... and maybe if you think really hard you'll understand how I feel, deep inside my heart is in pain and there is no cure sometimes, and maybe this cure could be you with your heart beside me just maybe....

Saturday, January 19, 2008

OMG Yeeees!

If you're wondering why my title makes you think I'm happy it's because I am! Well it's because, some people subbed Mermaid Melody episodes 40-42 I know it's only 3 episodes but OMG I just loooove Mermaid Melody! Like I looooove it! I have a major obsestion with it. Right now I'm here at my friend Natalie, and if you read my blog http://www.magicbeliever.blogspot.com/ then you know I was mad at her and I wrote a song I'm in the process of filming it and putting on the site but I have no idea how. I'll have to put it on http://www.youtube.com/ so I can get the javascript code for it. But yeah so now me and Natalie made up so everything is alright. I'm also watching Naruto now so as you can probably tell since it's anime, I'll start having an obssesion with it too now. And if you guessed that then weeeell you're right!

And also I'm happy because mt mom said ..... I get to go for ........ japanese lessons!!!!!!!!!! YAY! Sorry ZI'm just so happy about it! YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY!!!!!! Okay I'm done now bye starpling out ~~ Oh and watch this very interesting mermaid melody legend of mermaid video!! Damn I'll just put it on the site!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Ellie is Back

Well, I'm Back! I haven't posted in a while but im here now! You must be so HAPPY! H-A-P-P-Y! Yay for me! Well enough of that, you all need to speek up and, tell all your friends about this! Here's the info again incase you forgot...
Username: starping@hotmail.com
Password: tessielover
So post now and have your say on what's going on with you.

Chow for now

Sunday, January 6, 2008

The new year has begun!

Hey well sorry I couldn't type anything during the other days of no school but, hey everyone is busy too! Like with presents Christmas, or any other holiday. Like for example today is Ukrainian Christmas for me, because I'm half Ukrainian too. I would've yesterday typed something too but I went to Blue Mountain to go skiing and some snowboarding too. Yes I know how to ski and snowboard and I'm very good at it too. PLEASE tell ALL your friends that are girls about my blog. My blog can also be like an advice column if you need any advice please! Tell me things! I have really good advice like if your having a fight with your friends and you don't know how to make up or something else, like siblings or parents ask me! Or if you just want to talk randomly, or like tell me a funny story just ask away or even if you want your site to be known then ask away! PLEASE! I'm down on my knees it's just that you can't see it. Well that's all for now! Type to you later or on a different day, oh and if any of you want a super mario galaxy for wii e-mail me at tessielover@hotmail.com!